Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who Knew? ? ?

The date was June 22, 2012.  It was a Friday.  You might say life was just a bit chaotic.  So many things to do and preparations to be made.  It was T-Minus 6 Days and Counting.  Our lives were getting ready to change, big time. 

Some of you might remember a bit about this week of my life.  Others might not have a clue.  For those of you in the dark, you see, we were getting EVERYTHING ready for two VERY SPECIAL people, our host children Gundars and Elina.  So.Much.To.Do.  We were also still in full-on fundraising mode, with about $3000.00 left to raise and NO idea where it would come from.  The devil was busy shooting every dart of doubt he could fire.  All the while, God was consuming my heart with a quiet reassurance that He in fact would be the Author and Finisher of His mission.

Who Knew?  Who knew that would be my last post for far too long?  Who knew that the summer addition of two kiddos to our household would rid me of ALL free time to do anything for or by myself, much less blog?  Who knew how this summer would both touch our hearts and change our lives in such dramatic fashion?

It has been 110 days since that last entry.   Much has happened.  The stories that could be told are too many to number.  The provision and blessings of God are more than can be counted.  I have been challenged, blessed, and changed.

You might say I have been burdened, even convicted, to return to blogging and sharing about "Our Unexpected Adventure" this summer.  There are many things to reflect back on and memories to record.  I can only hope that I am able to do so in a way that will encourage others on their journey as well as give glory back to God  for His blessing on ours.  Let me invite you to join me as I look back and treasure God's work in our lives this summer. 

Our journey with Gundars and Elina did not end at the airport that sad August day.  We thought our hearts might break in two as we hugged them oh so tightly and watched them go through the doors towards the departure area.  Seeing the tears run down their faces  as well confirmed in our hearts the bond we felt with them.  It would be ten days before we made contact with them again in Latvia.  OH.THE.JOY.  It has been such a blessing to be able to communicate with them several times each week since then.

It seems that "Our Unexpected Adventure" is going to have a SEQUEL!  We are thrilled to share with our friends and family that Gundars and Elina will be celebrating CHRISTmas and the birth of our Savior with us in our home this December.  They will be able to spend approximately four weeks with us from mid-December to mid-January.  Can you imagine the joy that will be shared on Christmas morning in our home this year?  Only seventy-six more days ! ! !

Many of you followed our summer journey.  I hope you will join with us on this new one.  We humbly ask for your prayerful support.  We cannot do this in our strength.  We are asking for God's hand of blessing on this effort just as He was this summer.  Please pray as well for the Holy Spirit to be at work in the lives of Gundars and Elina and that they would see their need of the Savior.

For those who would like to share financially with us on this journey, there is a link to our fundraising account below.  I also have a "Chip-In" widget on the top right of this page.  If anyone wants to give a tax-deductible gift, please contact me and I can share that information with you.

We are excited to watch God's hand at work once again on behalf of these two precious kiddos.  We are so grateful for this open door.

Be Blessed...     

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