Monday, May 21, 2012

Moved To Action

Almost three years have passed since God first stirred my heart regarding the cause of the orphan (and widow) in our world today.  I have found myself reading books, watching movies, and stalking the blogs of others all in an attempt to educate myself on this matter.  As time marched on, God continued to work on my heart and I became further moved to take a more active role in orphan and widow awareness.  In the fall of 2009, Gary and I took on the sponsorship of a four year old girl from Sierra Leone in Africa through World Vision.

Head knowledge and putting that knowledge into action are two different things.  Action is the difficult part.  Realizing that all that I have belongs to God and only what is used by and for Him will matter 100 years from now, has motivated me to "let go" more freely of what is "mine", be it my possessions, my money, or my time.

It has become almost second nature now to assist those directly involved in ministering to orphans and widows across the world or others involved in adopting a child into their forever family.  Why should the burden belong to someone else?  Why not me?  What can I do that can make a difference?  What will I do???  What can you do???

Check back for more about Our Unexpected Adventure.....

Be Blessed,


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